
No Horn ??


Old Git
May 12, 2006
Multiple Monsters
OK 750ss is now running and ready for an MOT but Horn not working ,,,,,

Cables from horn to switch buzz out ok ,,
Horn works when connected to battery
Earths are good

But Nothing ???? Switch seems to test OK too
Check how many volts are getting to it through the switch compaired to direct feed off of the battery.
Then check the connections from battery to horn and if you can the switch itself to see where there is any resistance that'll drop the voltage.
The switch has massive resistance less than 0.1v going through it ,, problem is i cant find a way to remove it from the cluster to clean it up etc , mechanical y its making contact but ???? have sprayed it with contact cleaner etc , I have dismantled the Left hand bar cluster , 12.8v going to horn ,,
This is the type of cluster that has the failed Horn button ?????everything comes apart except the horn switch it can be unscrewed but the Orange push part is outside the cover and the black switch is inside , does not seem to be a way to open it or get it out ,,

It's made of smaller parts so must be able to be broken down into parts so you can burnish the contacts .... but putting it back together might be a different story. May be best not to go down that route unless you have a spare, then you'd already have used that so a bit of a no go.
Contact cleaner isn't going to do it, it's just going to wash out any oily/greasy contamination and it sounds more like there is some oxidisation on the contact points hammering up the resistance.
But all is not lost, I'd go with the magic of an ultrasonic bath cleaner which ought to help. For some stuff they border on the realms of witchcraft for getting crud off in areas that you can't even see.
Just rig the horn to a handlebar kill switch, as are available in many forms cheaply for moto-crossers and so on.
Once you've got the MOT you have time to source another cluster or investigate your faulty one a but closer.
I took a deep breath and spent 3 hours dismantling the LH switch cluster very carefully due to the tiny screws , springs and roller bearings inside ,, did not lose any ,, found a broken contact on the push switch for the horn ,,, soldered it and then reassembled the whole cluster ,, horn is now working ,, phew ,,,

I have also ordered a copy switch online from China for £9 for my spares but it will take 3 weeks to come ,,,, genuine ones are available secondhand in EU and USA for £90 plus shipping a few on EBAY in UK but later type with no ON/off switch or Broken ????
Now I can get her ready for MOT ,, a bi of carb tuning first the fairings on and thats it

Might sell the 750ss in the spring as she looks a Million dollars and like new ,, along with the 2019 Kawasaki ninja 650 ,,, Keep the M750 and invest the cash