1. All riders ride at their OWN risk.
    2. The UKMOC will not be held liable for any accidents to riders/passengers/motorcycles whatsoever.
    3. You are deemed to be in control of your own motor cycle at all times
    4. Please let the ride leader know, if you are intending to 'peel off' en-route.


    1. Make yourself known to all persons who intend to rideout with you.
    2. We recommend the 'Drop-Off' system for group rides.
    3. Find out if everyone has ridden in a group before - if not explain any relevant info.
    4. Ensure all have enough fuel - and locate nearest garages to the meet point.
    5. Ask everybody to ride slightly 'off-set' - eg - do not directly follow the bike in front WHERE POSSIBLE. (this leaves extra braking room).
    6. HAVE FUN!


Anyone interested in a run out in Cotswolds


Old Git
May 12, 2006
Multiple Monsters
I looking to organise a ridout meetup in Cotswolds around Cirencester , Stroud Burford area ,, for the spring , anyone interested ,Im looking at various places ,, kemble airfield , a cafe in Cirencester,, or maybe a pub ... even as far down as Honeystreet canal side or another idea, we could even descend mob handed on Clarkson ha ha

So drop me a line see what I can come up with ?????
Go for it Jerry.
Post it up and they will come.
Sounds like you have a lot of interesting places to visit already lined up.. Do them all!
We rotate the meeting venue every month for the East Anglian Breakfast Club and try out new ones as often as possible although the favourites stay on the list.

I don't think Clarkson likes motorbikes? He just wants you to eat his livestock!
You could find out what they smell like if you buy one of his candles.
I have a few ideas on places ,, we wont be going to **** off Clarkson amusing as it could be ,, would rather head down to James Mays pub near Salisbury ,, he would appreciate us .. But thats not Cotswolds ..
Im thinking of starting with the CTL Cafe ,and bike store , its full of old classic bikes Brit , italian, Japanese , racers and modern ones mostly for sale , and they are expanding new areas too,,Its just off the A419 at Cirencester , Probably April on a sunday ...

another spot is AV8 cafe at Kemble airfield ,,,
I have a few ideas on places ,, we wont be going to **** off Clarkson amusing as it could be ,, would rather head down to James Mays pub near Salisbury ,, he would appreciate us .. But thats not Cotswolds ..
Im thinking of starting with the CTL Cafe ,and bike store , its full of old classic bikes Brit , italian, Japanese , racers and modern ones mostly for sale , and they are expanding new areas too,,Its just off the A419 at Cirencester , Probably April on a sunday ...

another spot is AV8 cafe at Kemble airfield ,,,
I'd be up for that Jerry. I'm only Alcester. Never been to CTL, though I want to find the time to. Nor the AV8 as it happens. Book a dry day please! I also ride around Wiltshire a fair bit. Love it out there.
This site has some autocorrection agenda
Sorry, bit off topic:
I suspect the forum devs used an existing text editor module, which has autocorrect function.
I've never noticed it working but my phone has the function turned off because it was murdering computer command line stuff when I was solving tech issues with my workmates. I just see red underlining on suspect spelling on PC(eg 'devs' above). As ever: always best to have a quick read before hitting 'post' ;-)
So called AI with everything is only going to make this worse. Out of interest what device/browser were you using?
Sorry, bit off topic:
I suspect the forum devs used an existing text editor module, which has autocorrect function.
I've never noticed it working but my phone has the function turned off because it was murdering computer command line stuff when I was solving tech issues with my workmates. I just see red underlining on suspect spelling on PC(eg 'devs' above). As ever: always best to have a quick read before hitting 'post' ;-)
So called AI with everything is only going to make this worse. Out of interest what device/browser were you using?
I am using the android phone app.
Watching with interest as I could well be up for a Cotswold Monster meet up, even her indoors might get her S4RS out to play
OK im looking into it ,,, both my Ducatis are off the road at the moment the monster needs remedial paintwork and decals ,, and the forks have something very wrong with them they have become stiff and unresponsive ?? , but im going to get mike hammond to upgrade the internals anyway ... 750s still not finished ,, hopefully by end of Feb ???Had my hands full with family and some health issues