
Forcing another one in!

Mr Gazza

Lord of the Rings
May 26, 2013
This came home this morning.



It's a 1977 Triumph TR7RV, that's a 750 single carb version of the Bonneville. A Tiger.
It was returned from America in about 2016, so managed to escape several years of great British road salt.
Seems all fairly good and tidy, obviously it's not brand new, but pretty good for an unrestored bike. I think I might keep it that way, not sure I could face another full resto!
I've already noticed one or two minor things that need attention on top of the usual thorough clean and service. The biggest shocker is the 13 year old tyres, which looked good initially with plenty of tread but the date codes give it away! Close inspection reveals a bit of sidewall cracking.
The front calliper seems a bit stiff and not sure if I can still get seals for these, but a new Lockheed calliper is not too badly priced and will take EBC Greenstuff pads. :p
There's a big curl in the brake line at the top, so it looks like the bars have been changed from the yehaw yankee ones to the lower ones on it now, which seem like they will be quite comfortable.
It starts easily and sounds like it should with the Peashooters and no nasty noises from the engine.

I'm sure I will find plenty to do when I start looking, but I must concentrate on getting the Monster finished, before I play with this one.
Should be a real blast from the past, growling round the lanes.. :cool:
Looks like a good buy, especially if it's missed a few British winters. Clean but unrestored is probably the way to go.
There is an earlier one of these at the same place I got the 1100s, but they are looking at silly money for it.
Hope to see you on it soon Dave 👍
dreaded oil in Frame Bonny ,,,,,, dont get the frame blasted ever , I have seen at least 9 restorations of oil in Frame bonnys wher ethe rebuilt engines were destroyed by grit , and the frame had to be scrapped
Thanks guys.
I've had a closer look this evening and gone in with the cleaning materials.
I'm sure that the way forward is going to be to leave it alone and not restore. Obviously there's a few little tidying jobs and the maintenance to keep on top of. It's actually in remarkably good nick and standard apart from some consumables like the chain and tyres. The front brake will be reviewed and most likely replaced.
I've been looking for a post 1976 Tiger for some time now, having owned several Bonnies and one 650 Tiger. Very few have come up and they do seem to remain unsold at the prices they ask.
I'm really pleased with this one at the right price and only ten miles down the road from me. The guy even delivered it to me on a trailer. Nice sweet deal, the stars aligned.. 👩‍🚀
Nice. I've quite fancied something similar myself albeit a bit late in the day. These were out when I started biking on my Fizzie in '73. Nearest I got was riding a friend's T150V which used to burn oil and blow head gaskets at the drop of a hat. It would out perform my Z750 twin though .I think the Triumph twins were better sorted though, even then, if you got a nice one , especially the single carb models.
Nice one Garry, and all the better for being single carb….a light refresh is definitely the answer when they’re as good as yours looks…..envious ? Me ? Well maybe a wee bit….😜
Looks like a nice clean example, aren't they tiny I'm sure back in the day they were bigger. There always used to be plenty of Bonnies around town, at the traffic lights most ran on one cylinder due to carb balance issues. Always quite fancied a triple myself, cos I love that wailing sound.
My first 'big' bike, as soon as I passed my test in the very early 80's I bought a Triumph Tiger 750, the performance blew me away compared to my RD200!
I remember the clutch being very heavy and the ground clearance was dreadful on left handers, loads of sparks from the centre stand, it had 'anglo bike' short reverse cone meggas, you could hear it coming miles away, very fond memories from a long time ago.