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Old 26-02-2005, 02:03 PM   #1
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PC vs Apple Mac..............

Just to revive the old argument again, partly for the sake of it, but mostly a little warning.
I was always a little suspicious about the Apple Mac, and I saw a programme on cable last night that confirmed it.
Basically, if one has a pc, they can be upgraded, and defective componants replaced* by the owner, after nothing more than a visit to one's local pc shop.
Apple Macs on the other hand, can only be repaired by a certified dealer. This is because, under the terms of the Mac dealership, componants like motherboards etc, etc, cannot be supplied to the customer. They HAVE to bring it in to the dealer for repair.
To me that's crap. So PD (I think it is who has a Mac), you can stick it. I'll stick with my home made pc which I can repair myself.

(* there is the odd un-upgradables. like old Tiny pcs etc.)

Now waiting for Apple Mac owners to try and give me a broadside of verbal, including the benefits of Macs, blah, blah, etc......10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..........

Last edited by Didge; 26-02-2005 at 03:27 PM..
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Old 26-02-2005, 03:36 PM   #2
A Yerbury
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Didge dont believe everything you read in the daily mail or watch on cable!
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Old 26-02-2005, 04:16 PM   #3
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ready for your broadside Didge

here go's

I changed from PC to mac and I prefer mac

thats it
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Old 26-02-2005, 04:18 PM   #4
A Yerbury
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return key


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Old 26-02-2005, 06:31 PM   #5
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Hmm have to take it to a licenced dealer, only mac parts - do I hear the ring of familarity. Of course I'm talking about Harleys and not Ducatis.
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Old 26-02-2005, 08:16 PM   #6
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I think

The shark would win....
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Old 27-02-2005, 09:00 AM   #7
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Ooh, you're lucky Rog is still on the **** is Bristol!

He's been a Mac engineer and consultant for the last 9 years, so I'm sure he can set the record straight. (She types on the gorgeous 17" widescreen titanium laptop..)

One (of the many advantages) of Macs though. They don't get viruses, and aren't susceptible to those dial-up scams. I don't know about the whole replacement parts thing, but I use both PCs and Macs regularly, and the Macs are so much easier to use.

But hey, that's just my opinion. It would be boring if we all liked the same things!

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Old 27-02-2005, 09:52 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by SazzaJ
One (of the many advantages) of Macs though. They don't get viruses, and aren't susceptible to those dial-up scams. I don't know about the whole replacement parts thing, but I use both PCs and Macs regularly, and the Macs are so much easier to use.
But isn't that just because of the software, and the fact that Macs only account for 3% of the pooter market so no self respecting, spotty oik sat in a bedroom in eastern europe could be arsed to write a virus for them? PCs run on Linux have all the advantages of Macs, but not the disadvantages that Didge mentions. And you can buy some very cool PC cases now, so Macs can't even claim a style advantage. Each to their own I say.

Oh, and don't forget, that Apple merely stole their OS from some young upstarts at IBM whose management couldn't see the future! Then Mr Gates stole that, and now he owns 25% of Apple.....
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Old 27-02-2005, 10:41 AM   #9
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Thank you Space. You are indeed correct about the cases etc.
I've often wondered why I never see hardware for Macs anywhere. PC World (as a last resort of course), small computer shops and computer fairs, never have stuff for Macs that I've seen.
As one who likes to build and tinker with my own computers, I love the choice I have of Mainboards, graphics cards, sound cards, power packs, cases, games, programmes and all the other bits and bobs.
It seems to me, that to choose a Mac, one is extremely limited with choice of all the above and more.
To me, a good computer, is one that can be changed to suit one's requirements, as I've done to mine since I first built it.
A Mac would be totally useless to me for that reason alone.

Sorry, but PC's rule!!!!!!
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Old 27-02-2005, 08:16 PM   #10
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oh crickey - here we go again

I could argue for days on both sides.

My preference, Mac

I think the testament is the Brand loyalty from Apple Users. ie you don't get many Mac users returning to the Windows platform by choice.

I tend to find that many people that slate Macs have never really used one. This is compounded by the Stat that in business the average shelf life of a Windows based desktop PC is now only 18 months whereas the Mac is 4 Years, so often you find that a user may be comparing 2 computers that may well be a few years apart.

Get the best tool for the job. If your needs are simple (ie web/ email, typing up the odd letter) - get a Windows box. likewise if you like rolling your sleaves up & replacing the odd componant than Apples are probably not for you (except the desktop/ tower models, G4s, & G5s).

However, if you have a more digital lifestyle, in terms of photography, music Video, DVD Authoring - give the Mac a try - it just works out of the box.

Regarding design - You'll all agree that Apple showed us that computers don't have to be beige boxes, but I still think they lead the way interms of design.

Space - you may wish to check your sources re the IBM & Mr Gates stats.
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Old 27-02-2005, 10:44 PM   #11
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Have to say in three years of working in IT (from not being able to turning one on to Tea boy), my experience with mac equals seeing a colleauges G3. It was a fleeting glimps, but am also led to believe they very good for the digital lifestyle. None of our laptops at work are Macs, so i really have had no exsposure. However i would like to have one for a few hours to have really good look.
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Old 28-02-2005, 07:11 AM   #12
Byron Kauffman
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Why even worry about Mac users if you wont walk into a Mac store and give it a free try? Its like a HD rider writing "why would anyone ride a Monster" based on a single tv show. You dont seem to have first hand info to make a decision for or against the Mac.

I dont like computers at all but because I am in the art industry I need one just to open client files. We had early PCs at the agency and I used friend's PCs for a few years. I also had plenty of artist friends using Macs so I got to try both systems. At first I didnt care either way but Macs definately were setup in a more user friendly way and most art files I got were Mac so thats the way I went. Macs are more expensive and not as easy to walk into a store for add-ons but they sure have less garbage in the system. You could remove a program by simply dragging it to the trash, no need to "un install" as on PC. I still dont think ANY computer system was designed with real world people in mind. No function seems to equate with the old "By Hand" method. Drawing with a Mouse is like drawing with a brick, no relationship to the feel of a pencil. I just spent the last month creating several illustrations completely in the computer for the first time. Even with a Wacom drawing tablet I still think it is a evil machine and nowhere close to enjoyable like doing a real painting, but the Mac is better than Windows. They seem to be designed more for creative use. Anytime you see a design, music or film editing studio there are Macs in use, that has to say something. You wouldnt get a room full of "pain in the ass" creative types to use something that didnt work.
If all you want is the ability to run to the corner shop for a PC case with glass sides, gold cables and neon you should stick with a Windows system. PC are easier to mod, no arguement here. But go play with a Mac you might like it. Look around, there are plenty of web sites for people that custom build Mac cases too. I have had my case apart to see about getting the plastic cover chromed so I could then flame it. I was also looking for a 1950s vacuum cleaner so I could move the computer guts into it. But I still think of it like a toaster, as long as it works I dont want to waste time on it.

Now can we get back to Motorcycles on this list. The last few weeks this forum reads like the transcript for the Jerry Springer show.
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Old 01-03-2005, 06:27 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Didge
I'll stick with my home made pc which I can repair myself.
To use a 4WD analogy: sure you can chose a Land Rover, for it's ease of repair and cheap and plentiful supply of spare parts... or you can choose a Toyota that won't go wrong in the first place - I know what I'd rather drive across a desert x

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Old 01-03-2005, 06:35 PM   #14
A Yerbury
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ahh the old "but macs don't go wrong" rumour, Hmmmmmmmm....
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Old 01-03-2005, 07:57 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by A Yerbury
ahh the old "but macs don't go wrong" rumour, Hmmmmmmmm....
Aha, I can vouch for this. I work with a PC (multiple ) and have a PC at home that I built from components, none of this off the shelf malarky. I also have a dual G4 power mac (which the miss's uses more than me). Which goes wrong more often, yup the windoze machines.


Mac OS X is way more stable as an operating system than anything windows related. It's based on the Unix core and runs with protected memory, that means if an application crashes only the portion of memory it's loaded into goes with it not the whole operating system like with the windows blue screen of death. Its also ALOT more secure. The debarcle of Windows XP service pack 2 is fine example of windows security, update it and suddenly half your application don't have permissions to run, smart. There are ALOT less viruses for Mac's too, pretty much all those PC ones simply dont run on a Mac

Mac's also just work, they dont give stupid popups saying "you've disconnected such and such cable" when you know you've just unplugged it!!!! And how come when you put a Mac disc into a PC it goes mad and wants to format it, yet when you put a PC disc into a Mac it just gets on and reads it?

Mac's are very upgradable. Any 'PC' hard drive, CD/DVD/CDRW drive, memory and other internal drive will work in a Mac (within reason). I've got an extra 80GB disc, from a PC, and a Lacie CDRW, from a PC, in the Mac, all no problems. Yes, the Hard drive needed formating, but thats it. Even the CPU can be upgraded with at least 2 third party manufacturers making replacement CPU's, Sonnet is one of them cant remember the other. The only time you'll struggle is with the motherboard, but how many of you PC lovers have ever bothered to upgrade this part or just buy a new pc?? For those who want to know, Imac's use the laptop technology and how many PC laptops are easily upgradable? my mates aint and he complains all the time...

Contary to belief you dont need a 'Mac' monitor, all new Mac's and most of the recent one's use the digital connection found on most decent LCD monitors. For the older ones you can get an adapter for the PC monitor to go onto the Mac port, easy.

With regards to Mac bits not being easily available, how many Dell boxes can be diddled with without your warranty being voided?? Admitadely Apple are the same, but they're no worse than Dell

I voted Mac but I do ALL my work on PC. PC's (unfortunately) are common place and are what everyone learns on. A friend of mine is an NT Administrator. He loves Mac's but says he's had to unlearn alot of stuff before he could get on with it. But for getting on with the rest of the world I am forced to use a PC (boo!)

One last thing, did you know that the first windows operating system was written on a Mac??

rant over


(In all fairness, the first MacOS was a ripoff of something that Xerox wrote!!!)

Last edited by Dark-Jon; 01-03-2005 at 08:01 PM..
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