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Old 10-06-2006, 05:30 PM   #1
emily's driver
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Well it's a game of two the end of the day

God bless the World Cup championship. Whilst the sun is shining and the vast majority of people are sitting in front of their TV's, their token patriotism chav flags wafting away on their cars, watching 11 over paid primadonnas, kick a round piece of leather around some grass, the rest of us have gloriously empty roads on which to go out and ride on. So thank you one and all, you have made the experience a truly memorable one. I'm rooting for Blighty, because the longer they remain in the running, the less traffic there will be. Come on Engerland, sorry...... England.

PS. I wonder how long those flags (with "Engerland" or some such derivative stamped across them, for those that need reminding where and who we are) will stay on for, should (when) we get knocked out.
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Old 10-06-2006, 05:47 PM   #2
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I did consider going for a ride, as the roads would have been clear, but I was far too busy eating a picnic, while sitting under a tree, watching my local cricket team lose... there sure are much worse ways to spend a sunny afternoon.

Didn't need to watch the footie to know the score, as the social club members made sure we heard everything.
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Old 10-06-2006, 08:47 PM   #3
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Top bike day AND I watched the match!!

Got a new track bike this morning so had a hoon up and down the (private) street on that before putting it away. Then watched the match in the pub before going back to my mates house and chopping Beelzebub's tail off.

Good day for being in the sun and fettling bikes.
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Old 10-06-2006, 09:28 PM   #4
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Indeed a brilliant day for bike riding. Don't think I've ever seen the roads so empty and tempting. To add to the delight, plod is hovering around the pubs to keep potentially overrefreshed chavs at bay, leaving the roads to you and me to do what we do best!
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Old 10-06-2006, 09:59 PM   #5
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You dont need to wait till the footie is on ( come on Engerland) sorry couldnt resist, just go out about 9ish in the evening. i did last nite, roads were nearly empty and still light till gone 10 !!

Rooooney Rooooney.
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Old 10-06-2006, 10:01 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by emily's driver
God bless the World Cup championship. Whilst the sun is shining and the vast majority of people are sitting in front of their TV's, their token patriotism chav flags wafting away on their cars, watching 11 over paid primadonnas, kick a round piece of leather around some grass, the rest of us have gloriously empty roads on which to go out and ride on. So thank you one and all, you have made the experience a truly memorable one. I'm rooting for Blighty, because the longer they remain in the running, the less traffic there will be. Come on Engerland, sorry...... England.

PS. I wonder how long those flags (with "Engerland" or some such derivative stamped across them, for those that need reminding where and who we are) will stay on for, should (when) we get knocked out.
That could have been me who wrote that, word for word. Brilliant.
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Old 10-06-2006, 10:02 PM   #7
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it was like xmas day after kick off in Exeter today.......bliss
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Old 10-06-2006, 10:04 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by emily's driver
God bless the World Cup championship. Whilst the sun is shining and the vast majority of people are sitting in front of their TV's, their token patriotism chav flags wafting away on their cars, watching 11 over paid primadonnas, kick a round piece of leather around some grass, the rest of us have gloriously empty roads on which to go out and ride on. So thank you one and all, you have made the experience a truly memorable one. I'm rooting for Blighty, because the longer they remain in the running, the less traffic there will be. Come on Engerland, sorry...... England.

PS. I wonder how long those flags (with "Engerland" or some such derivative stamped across them, for those that need reminding where and who we are) will stay on for, should (when) we get knocked out.
Yeah all of the above........on the telly every 2 secs.......every bloody car with a flag...go to work........there all bitchin about...9th of july cant come quick enough for me...hope we dont win the bloody thing......never hear the end of it then!!
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Old 11-06-2006, 12:40 AM   #9
Kev Bunney
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what a bunch of miserable gits, just because YOU would prefer not to watch our national team play in the (4 yearly) world cup there`s no need to class those that do as chavs,and hope we don`t win, please continue to enjoy your empty roads and I shall continue to watch England trying to win the world cup, maybe you`ll watch the overpaid prima donna`s in Moto GP and WSB and leave a bit of space on the roads for those who don`t happen to share your intertest and hope that the leather clad morons fall off their bikes !
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Old 11-06-2006, 02:12 AM   #10
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Thumbs up World Cup

Originally Posted by emily's driver
God bless the World Cup championship. Whilst the sun is shining and the vast majority of people are sitting in front of their TV's, their token patriotism chav flags wafting away on their cars, watching 11 over paid primadonnas, kick a round piece of leather around some grass, the rest of us have gloriously empty roads on which to go out and ride on. So thank you one and all, you have made the experience a truly memorable one. I'm rooting for Blighty, because the longer they remain in the running, the less traffic there will be. Come on Engerland, sorry...... England.

PS. I wonder how long those flags (with "Engerland" or some such derivative stamped across them, for those that need reminding where and who we are) will stay on for, should (when) we get knocked out.

Had to go into work Saturday, but got an 'early dart' after midday because of moans about some football game or something ?

Anyway, went for a blast to Ironbridge - Telford, what a f**king glorious ride, had a pint or two, then came home, bliss, total bliss
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Old 11-06-2006, 02:13 AM   #11
Starter Sprag
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Thumbs up World Cup

Originally Posted by emily's driver
God bless the World Cup championship. Whilst the sun is shining and the vast majority of people are sitting in front of their TV's, their token patriotism chav flags wafting away on their cars, watching 11 over paid primadonnas, kick a round piece of leather around some grass, the rest of us have gloriously empty roads on which to go out and ride on. So thank you one and all, you have made the experience a truly memorable one. I'm rooting for Blighty, because the longer they remain in the running, the less traffic there will be. Come on Engerland, sorry...... England.

PS. I wonder how long those flags (with "Engerland" or some such derivative stamped across them, for those that need reminding where and who we are) will stay on for, should (when) we get knocked out.

Had to go into work Saturday, but got an 'early dart' after midday because of moans about some football game or something ?

Anyway, went for a blast to Ironbridge - Telford, what a f**king glorious ride, had a pint or two, then came home, bliss, total bliss
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Old 11-06-2006, 07:06 AM   #12
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Ahh you're so lucky...funnily enough our roads were heaving up here yesterday
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Old 11-06-2006, 07:48 AM   #13
emily's driver
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Am I bovvered?

Originally Posted by Kev Bunney
what a bunch of miserable gits, just because YOU would prefer not to watch our national team play in the (4 yearly) world cup there`s no need to class those that do as chavs,and hope we don`t win, ...maybe you`ll watch the overpaid prima donna`s in Moto GP and WSB and leave a bit of space on the roads for those who don`t happen to share your intertest
Put your handbag away Kev. 4 yearly you say....blimey is it that often? Sadly we are never likely to agree, as we clearly don't share the same "Intertests". It's funny how everyone becomes so defensive & national pride comes bubbling to the surface whenever a football tournament is on. Why is it that the nation adopts this attitude, as they have in the past, & it wanes away so quickly when we are no longer in contention? If you feel proud of your nation, why then does it take a football match to remind people to display it? I have no real objection to those over priced (wish I was selling them) car flags, but I remember the roads being littered with them when we got knocked out last time. That says a lot. It's apparently acceptable to throw your own nation's flag into the gutter once the team, who frankly form such an infinitesimal part of what that flag represents as a whole, are no longer the focus of everyone's interest. Yeah, real chav patriotism that is.

As for primadonnas, if you broke your 5th metatarsal & commanded so much media attention & sympathy (ah bless Wayne ...poor love) whilst sat on a £60,000 a week salary, despite not being able to play, whilst junior doctors & nurses struggle on less than HALF that salary annually & put in an honest day's work (80 hours a week sounds about right), then yes you too might be considered to be one. Or if you feined injury & called on your worst amateur dramatic skills by rolling around the turf clutching your leg, arm, head in a laughably unconvincing fashion, you would again fall into the same category. Or get drunk in clubs & bars, assault people & generally bring your team very publically into disrepute....true professionalism there.

OR...By contrast, you could come into the pits, complaining discreetly of a mild pain in your left foot (only to find when you took your boot off it was full of blood, where you had ground the skin away down to the bone of the little toe, whilst cornering)Oh dear! What now then? Hobble around in front of the media perhaps, looking pained & angst ridden at how unfairly life has treated you & your poor foot, or just say bollox to it all & get back on the bike & get on with your job. (Bayliss did). How about fracturing your wrist in the morning & riding that same afternoon (Falappa). Or breaking both your ankles & having to be lifted onto the bike once they had barely fused, to ride again (Toseland). Or smashing both your legs so comprehensively to bits & getting on a bike again after some (well earned) recuperation (Sheene). These are but a few examples. I cite them to remind those that need to be, of the obvious lack of fuss or complaint by the individuals concerned, over arguably much more serious injuries than most footballers sustain. I appreciate that if the tools of your trade are your feet (certainly not your brain) then clearly you cannot play with a duff one (as is/was the case with Master Rooney) but it is nevertheless a sporting injury and NOT a world event. The media will preach to the gullible few that it is. Well I am not convinced. The worst that can happen to a footballer if he sustains a bad injury is an early end to his career. The worst that can happen to a professional motorcycle racer is that he'll be killed doing his job. The two don’t equate & are not in the same league...period

So to put MOTOGP sportsmen into the same category, is a bit rich given the antics of some of the (undeniably overpaid) top footballers.

Right I'm off for my morning constitutional fag & coffee. In a true finely honed Victor Meldrew stylee !!
Ricambi Moto UK - Ducati Parts & Accessories (

Last edited by emily's driver; 11-06-2006 at 08:34 AM..
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Old 11-06-2006, 09:35 AM   #14
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Just have to add the bravery of Tony Rickardsson to this. The five time world champion speedway rider who taped his broken wrist and went out for another heat. Hard as steel.

Macho macho macho maaaan....
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Old 11-06-2006, 10:09 AM   #15
emily's driver
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They think it's all over....I wish it was

Originally Posted by Pugi
Just have to add the bravery of Tony Rickardsson to this. The five time world champion speedway rider who taped his broken wrist and went out for another heat. Hard as steel.

Macho macho macho maaaan....
Coudn't agree more. Balls of steel more like! Not like those "Priory" client, whingeing, "pass me the 'Band Aid' plasters", "oi ref he hit me", hissy fit girls. No siree.
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