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Old 14-05-2019, 07:00 PM   #926
Too much time on my hands member
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Had a productive day today, I started with rubbing down the repaired moulds and continued until my fingertips could take no more. No repaired moulds were finished but good progress was made.

For a bit of light relief first I bored out the rubber mount cups for the chain oiler reservoir by 1mm to a) lighten them and b) to provide a bit more latitude for movement by the rubber isolation mount.

Then I pondered what to do with my fuel tank tap, I have 3 different design on/off/reserve taps all from China and none costing more than £8. The first has a 16mm left hand threaded nut which seals via a fibre washer and requires a boss to be made and threaded male left handed. I cannot find a 16mm left hand die anywhere so the fuel tap is useless. The second is the same but with an 18mm x 1mm right hand thread (I have a suitable die), it comes with one of those nice removable sediment traps at the bottom but has only a 6mm outlet pipe. The last one has an 8mm outlet and requires to be bolted to a flange on the tank x 2 x 6mm bolts/studs, unfortunately no sediment trap but there is a nice neoprene gasket which should provide a better means of sealing than a fibre washer. This is the one I decided to use, mainly because of the 8mm outlet although I also prefer the sealing arrangement. There is only room for the tap on the RH side towards the back of the tank and fortunately the tap is the right orientation for that location, i.e. the outlet faces forward towards the vacuum pump.

I cut some scrap 6mm aluminium plate drilled and tapped it and provided a 3mm aluminium top mounting plate with circumferential 5mm holes for bonding into the tank. The 6mm plate will be let into the base and the 3mm plate will be resined in prior to putting the tank top on. The tap will be removed prior to the innards of the tank being sealed from nasty ethanol petrol.
Quite pleased with the design and for once with the execution.

Finally I set about cutting out the CF headlamp supports, these will need to be painted as they are cosmetically challenged but I think fit for purpose dimensionally and structurally. Roughly cut out but not quite finished (no mounting holes drilled and not yet painted) they only weigh 100g the pair.
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