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Old 19-11-2016, 10:38 AM   #14
Mr Gazza
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Let's not forget that the octane rating is essentially different between regular and premium by very definition, and have different properties designed in regardless of Ethanol content.
The aircraft icing chart will be based on using Avgas which is 100 octane (possibly 110 octane?)

I remember trying some 5 star in my Honda 50 once.. It sapped the power and got hot.
My Dad kindly explained the meaning of octane ratings and I ran it on 2 star happily ever after.

I always try to put premium or super in my 900 injection and enjoy lots of smooth power and economy (68mpg at a 90mph cruise on a very long private runway).
If I'm forced to use regular I only notice it being slightly less good, but there is a difference.

I did suffer what I assumed to be Carb icing on my carburettor equipped 900 Monster, but the oil fed warmers were enough to fix it once they were turned on. A damp but mild Autumn day was enough to bring it on.... All to do with relative humidity. (see above)
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