Thread: Flaming RR51
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Old 25-04-2019, 12:50 AM   #26
No turn left unstoned
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I also like superseal connectors ...but
I'm not sure that they have a high enough rating for the alternator connections.
When I looked into this a few years ago (after my std reg/rec fried itself) I decided that Delphi Metri-Pack 630 series connectors were the ones to go for .. rated at 46 amps and available from "Kojaycat".
They're similarly sealed and probably not a lot bigger than superseals.
However, at the time I needed a quicker fix so I made a few micro butt-crimps (!) out of rolled up thin copper sheet.
After crimping, I then covered the whole joint in glue-lined shrinkwrap.
This makes a stunningly neat joint between electrical wires, sealed from the elements and bonded to the insulation to reduce stress on the joint .. by the glue.
And no flux residue from soldering.
This arrangement, coupled with a replacement reg/rec from Electrex, has been on my 750 for 7 or 8 years now and has given no trouble whatsoever ..... at least,not yet.

I still have some of the copper sheet left and could knock you up a few crimps if you like, Nasher.
I might even still have a bit of the glue lined shrinkwrap in the right size.
Though the Delphi connectors are probably a more user friendly method than hard-wiring.

It was quite funny when my first reg/rec went actually.
It didn't melt .. there were no external signs actually .. but it was obviously overcharging.
So, I'm sat at a rural, B-road T-junction, behind a car.
I blip the throttle, cos you just do sometimes on an exuberant, sunny day, don't you ?
As I blip it, I hear multiple "ping" noises, as would be made by small objects hitting a larger, hollow, thin-walled vessel.
The battery (a wet one) had boiled almost completely dry and my blip had boosted said boiling just enough to pop three or four of the battery caps clean off .. which then hit the underside of the tank.
This was early in my Ducati experience and I learned the maintenance-friendly nature of the (early type) monster that day.
Seat off, tank up, fish the caps out of the battery box with bit of wire gleaned from nearby hedge, pop 'em back in, cross fingers, press start .. she runs .. limp home slowly but successfully (about 5 miles).

But that blip .. ping, ping, ping.
Still makes me chuckle.

I'm on thin ice now.
Running a lithium.
I know I should really just say no, but those kilos, once you start, just get so .......
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