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Old 15-04-2014, 01:18 PM   #17
Posts: n/a
All good points, thanks Utopia. The discs are ploughed to the extent that they aren't smooth. I can feel (and see) ridging when I run my finger over the surface of the disc. It's smooth rather than sharp ridging, a bit like a raised pattern on a dinner plate, but it's definitely ridged.

How difficult is it to change pads and belt? I presume it's the work of a track stand, the correct tools, and a mach-savvy mate?

Braking: Yeah, it's partly the footpeg thing, and partly just natural reaction, especially when I'm filtering a fair bit through faster moving traffic. If the traffic is flowing at about 20-25mph, so slow enough to be able to filter but fast enough to get up a reasonable lick, I do find myself covering (and riding) the front brake rather than the back. A pretty bad habit to be honest. I'm trying to scold myself whenever I notice myself doing it, though!
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