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Old 02-03-2005, 08:41 AM   #12
A Yerbury
Posts: n/a
Well I prefer macs! I am sick and tired of windows cock ups "unknow error....why tell me? I'm just flesh and blood!?" but the notion that macs dont go wrong is simply false, I used to freelance for some web design friends a few years back (a proper multi million levis and amex client type affair not some bloke with a copy of macromedia clobber!) any way, all the imacs and about half of the blue/charcoal g3s went back. plus at least half of the apple (made by samsung) monitors had lines on them! dont get me wrong I dont mind either OS and macs do seem more stable but the idea that they are somehow infallible just aint the case. One thing to be said for the pc is that one is forced to find out how it all goes together and make an effort, some like this tinkering but I am getting a bit bored of it now.....hmmm so its a g4 lap for me after all...!
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