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Old 01-03-2005, 08:43 PM   #10
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OK I'll bite

First some background, I've working in IT for over 15 years. I have worked with most types of computer and operating systems including Windows, Mac, Sun Solaris, Hewlett Packard HP-UX, Compaq Tru-64 (now being phased out by HP), IBM AIX, Silcon Graphics Irix and various distributions of Linux. I install, configure, use and repair all of these systems.

What do I use at home ? Apple Macs.

Why ? Because they are easier to use and are more reliable.

Are they perfect ? No, all computers can fail, all operating systems have flaws, all software can have bugs.

Am I happy with my choice ? Yes.

Do I want to make everyone using Windows change ? No, I couldn't care less what you do.

Except if you are going to go to all the trouble of building your own PC, selecting the very best components, constantly upgrading the hardware until you have your perfect combination of hardware, then why put an atrocious, unreliable, bug ridden, security nightmare of an operating system like Windows on it ? At least download Linux, build your own kernel and get the best performance from all that hardware you put together.

Just my opinion.

Cerebus the Geek
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