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Old 01-03-2005, 07:57 PM   #9
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by A Yerbury
ahh the old "but macs don't go wrong" rumour, Hmmmmmmmm....
Aha, I can vouch for this. I work with a PC (multiple ) and have a PC at home that I built from components, none of this off the shelf malarky. I also have a dual G4 power mac (which the miss's uses more than me). Which goes wrong more often, yup the windoze machines.


Mac OS X is way more stable as an operating system than anything windows related. It's based on the Unix core and runs with protected memory, that means if an application crashes only the portion of memory it's loaded into goes with it not the whole operating system like with the windows blue screen of death. Its also ALOT more secure. The debarcle of Windows XP service pack 2 is fine example of windows security, update it and suddenly half your application don't have permissions to run, smart. There are ALOT less viruses for Mac's too, pretty much all those PC ones simply dont run on a Mac

Mac's also just work, they dont give stupid popups saying "you've disconnected such and such cable" when you know you've just unplugged it!!!! And how come when you put a Mac disc into a PC it goes mad and wants to format it, yet when you put a PC disc into a Mac it just gets on and reads it?

Mac's are very upgradable. Any 'PC' hard drive, CD/DVD/CDRW drive, memory and other internal drive will work in a Mac (within reason). I've got an extra 80GB disc, from a PC, and a Lacie CDRW, from a PC, in the Mac, all no problems. Yes, the Hard drive needed formating, but thats it. Even the CPU can be upgraded with at least 2 third party manufacturers making replacement CPU's, Sonnet is one of them cant remember the other. The only time you'll struggle is with the motherboard, but how many of you PC lovers have ever bothered to upgrade this part or just buy a new pc?? For those who want to know, Imac's use the laptop technology and how many PC laptops are easily upgradable? my mates aint and he complains all the time...

Contary to belief you dont need a 'Mac' monitor, all new Mac's and most of the recent one's use the digital connection found on most decent LCD monitors. For the older ones you can get an adapter for the PC monitor to go onto the Mac port, easy.

With regards to Mac bits not being easily available, how many Dell boxes can be diddled with without your warranty being voided?? Admitadely Apple are the same, but they're no worse than Dell

I voted Mac but I do ALL my work on PC. PC's (unfortunately) are common place and are what everyone learns on. A friend of mine is an NT Administrator. He loves Mac's but says he's had to unlearn alot of stuff before he could get on with it. But for getting on with the rest of the world I am forced to use a PC (boo!)

One last thing, did you know that the first windows operating system was written on a Mac??

rant over


(In all fairness, the first MacOS was a ripoff of something that Xerox wrote!!!)

Last edited by Dark-Jon; 01-03-2005 at 08:01 PM..
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