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Old 21-01-2024, 12:11 PM   #8
No turn left unstoned
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while we're on the subject of oil ....
Be careful at oil change time ... I got caught out the first time I did mine.
The manual for my Dommie (same engine) said that the tank won't take the full 1.9 litres if the system has been fully drained and so you should refill by first putting one litre into the tank, then running the engine at idle for a few minutes before topping up with the remaining 0.9 litres.
I managed to get more than one litre in the tank at first filling so I put a bit more in, thinking it couldn't hurt.
I then ran the engine for a while before topping up.
The mistake that I made was failing to crack open the upper banjo of the feed pipe to the head, to check that there was a flow of oil.
A very few miles later the engine was clearly overheating and closer inspection revealed oil starvation to the head, which was completely wrecked.
I ended up fitting a replacement engine.
Now, I dunno whether the extra oil that I put in at first filling had caused an air lock in the system but I can't think of any other possibility.
So, bizarrely, a little extra oil was a bad thing. Who'd have thought it.
So the moral of the story is twofold ...
Firstly, follow the procedure in the manual exactly.
Secondly, and most importantly (and you would probably have done it anyway .. as should I .. but .....) always crack open the oil feed to check for flow to the head.
I've done many oil changes since and never had a problem but I always hold my breath until I see that reassuring ooze of black gold.

They are surprisingly nice engines actually, and pull strongly when freed up a little via a less restrictive intake and exhaust.
Particularly with a bit of weight loss into the bargain.
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