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Old 19-09-2023, 08:41 PM   #1
Big Daft Lad
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M600 winter project

I'm wondering what to do with this bike, I've had it for ages but it's been off the road since 2010! I was coming home from the NW200 2010 and it started to run badly. Once home I did a compression test and found very little on the vertical cylinder. I whipped the head off fearing the worst but it just needs the valves adjusted.

Now, a lot has happened I my life since 2010 and I have a lovely S2R 1000 to keep me amused. I was going to fix it up but frankly I've got plenty other projects to keep me busy. Would anyone want it?

Other than the valves I believe it's all ok other than pitted forks and a leaky tank but I have replacements for both. I have a rust free undamaged steel tank. That cost me £280 last year.

It's a good bike that needs a wee bit of love, does anyone want to take it on?

I'll get photos tomorrow.

What's it worth? A grand?
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