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Old 10-07-2022, 07:10 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
It’s grand up North

We thought it was about time we explored North Yorkshire, stunning countryside ,great roads and of course Yorkshire tea.

Friday saw us set off ,the S2r owners, mixing it with the Friday traffic on the M56 ,M6.meeting up with Pezz at Charnock Richard services then north to join on to the A59 a few junctions later. Motorways are grim , the A59 a pleasure.

First planned stop was the route 59 bikers cafe, rammed full when we arrived.

B47F94B5-EE46-4B76-83CE-272F4CE0BFB9 by Mike OConnor, on Flickr.

Bit of route planning, yes using a map book, then off again.I took a left at Thirsk rather than a straight on so added a very pleasant 30 or so miles to the trip !

2BBC89BB-643F-46AB-8C8E-B784671C74A1 by Mike OConnor, on Flickr

Destination was Fox and Hounds at Sinnerton, an amazing find by Col and Di.
Bikes secured it was time for refreshments.

348060AD-0E8C-4D61-81D9-BC94BCEBAC73 by Mike OConnor, on Flickr

We were soon joined by Grumpy and Heather completing a fine display of bolognia’s finest in the car park.

F54BBB3F-7922-4D64-A3B2-FE5CFF2C7BD2 by Mike OConnor, on Flickr.

Fantastic weather on Saturday, first stop was the bangers and cash auction house just beyond Pickering. First a photoshoot at the hotel, the owners are bikers,one has an interesting Kawasaki!

442F9F06-0ED7-4C54-A3B1-A8E812FB166E by Mike OConnor, on Flickr

5632ED28-6F0A-41FC-A32C-D53B016C0A5D by Mike OConnor, on Flickr

Colin took a fancy to the e-type……but it wasn’t what it seemed.A kit based on an XJ6 chassis,

EC9A13D4-E22F-4B7A-990A-E974AB7D6941 by Mike OConnor, on Flickr

On to goathland ,the location for filming “heartbeat”, then onto Saltburn on sea.

6E195BFB-5117-438F-8CE8-21080D2E4B53 by Mike OConnor, on Flickr
Surfs up in Saltburn!

Will add more later,battery about to Go and breakfast is calling

Last edited by Moco1961; 12-07-2022 at 03:52 AM.. Reason: Pics added
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