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Old 05-06-2022, 03:51 PM   #7
Mr Gazza
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It sounds like air in the system, but not sure why that should manifest 150 miles on after bleeding. Is the bleed nipple tight and seated nicely? I always put a little PTFE round the thread these days although that is more to assist with bleeding as air can pass down the thread while you're bleeding sometimes.
I find the best way to remove residual air from the clutch is to caress the lever with the res. lid off. You can often see little streams of bubbles rise from the feed hole. Just short lever strokes are enough, not so much as to even move the clutch. On the coffin types you can see the piston moving through the feed hole.

I'm not sure about the holding the lever back overnight method, but it will pressurise your slave and find any fluid leaks that might be a possibility.
Unfortunately the fluid takes the paint off the cases round the slave when they leak, so be aware of that and check round there asap. Remove the sprocket cover for a better view.

Another thing that occurs to me is that the slave mounting screws could be loose? Unlikely but worth a check anyway.
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