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Old 07-05-2022, 04:58 PM   #139
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Well, since it's been over a year since I last added anything to the Evo, you'd be forgiven for thinking this thread was now defunct. I certainly wasn't planning any more additions but, as every Monster owner knows, when it comes to mods, never say never...

So when, quite unexpectedly, the opportunity to acquire this little beauty came up, I just couldn't turn it down.

It's the 'other' Ducati Performance saddle (96995409B) with the carbon tail piece made by Carbonvani. While the DP saddle itself is no longer available, the tail piece on its own is actually still shown on the Carbonvani site if anyone wants one As you see, they also do a red version.

While I knew they existed, (I think Albie, Cobra88 and MerlinPV12 have had them), I'd never considered tracking one down myself (I've already got two saddles after all). But when a friend of mine, (thanks, Ezio! ) said he was selling his 696, (which he'd bought with the saddle), and offered to sell me the seat separately, I thought - when else am I likely to get that opportunity again? So I snapped it up.

And, although I'd never particularly wanted one, I'm very glad I did. The quality of the carbon and paintwork is superb and the carbon weave is identical to the other goodies on the bike. I bought it sight unseen so hadn't realised until I picked it up that the white of the number boards is actually pearl rather than plain, so is a perfect match for the rest of the bodywork. The white stitching goes well with the tank panels too.

The slightly different shape of the tail piece gives the back end a pleasing silhouette, I think, and makes it look a bit sleeker. (Strange, as it's actually wider than stock.)

This is the saddle fitted and shown compared with the regular tail piece. The mesh inserts don't do anything, of course, but they're quite neat and give the unit a 'complete' look.

The saddle itself appears to be the same as the DP comfort seat just with a different (alcantara?) cover and, as owning three saddles might be considered greedy, I might have a regular DP comfort seat on offer shortly if anyone's interested.

So, is this the last mod...? I wonder.
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