Originally Posted by the lodger
Anorak alert ! (Is there an emoji for this I wonder ? ).
Note the cylnder cap wording refers to using only dot 3+5 fluid from a sealed container. Well you can't mix dot 3 and dot 5 as the latter is a mineral oil and doesn't mix with dot 3.
You could use dot 5 if all the brake components were new . I wonder if this is what Ducati or Brembo were thinking when making the set-up but I doubt it and I think it's just an error. Later caps just refer to using dot 4.
My understanding is that Brake fluids are Glycol based not mineral with the exception of DOT 5 (not to be confused with DOT 5.1) which is Silicone based.
Glycol absorbs water (Hygroscopic) while Silicone repels it (Hydrophobic) hence why you shouldn’t use DOT 5 if the system has previously been filled with Glycol based fluid and why they cannot be mixed.