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Old 10-07-2020, 06:37 PM   #6
No turn left unstoned
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Hang on a minute.
Surely the exhaust flow from each cylinder is split into two at the crucifix and then flows equally through both silencers.
Thus the effects of any difference in function/performance/heat output from either cylinder will also be distributed equally to both silencers.
From which it follows that any difference in temperature of the silencers cannot be due to differences in heat output from the cylinders ... and therefore it must be due to differences in heat transfer within the silencers themselves .... which might suggest that the wadding has burnt out somewhat from one silencer.
Or am I missing something here ?

The only other explanation I can think of is that the crucifix has been poorly made and has internal restrictions which limit the flow along one of the two possible exhaust paths.
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