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Old 02-07-2020, 08:06 PM   #25
Too much time on my hands member
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Forest Of Dean
Bike: S2r
Posts: 3,196
I've been following these for a while and at the moment there just aren't enough fast charging points available.
Most times I take either of my bikes out for a decent run I'll burn 2-3 tanks of fuel, that's 250 odd miles. Last week I scooted off with one of my neighbours for a little run that ended up in Teignmouth (350 mile round trip) ... not sure why but that'd where we ended up. Anyway you slice it that would be a few recharges and that assumes you could find the high output units ( 45-60 mins to 95% charge) not the more common slow chargers (IRO 4 hours to 95%) .. and that you were signed up to use that companies charger network ... and that there was even an available charger .. and that you have a compatible high rate charge connecter cable (not a given unfortunately)
So rather than a 7 hour jaunt it would end up around 10+ maybe more as an S2R chasing a blade gets a bit thirsty, a Zero would work as hard.
Today it would be difficult to get to north wales unless you went around wales as charger availibity is dire, not sure if the RAC/AA boosters would do it
It's batteries and charger networks.. both are getting better but they aren't better enough yet
"The final measure of any rider's skill is the inverse ratio of his preferred Traveling Speed to the number of bad scars on his body." Song of the sausage creature
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