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Old 01-05-2020, 04:38 AM   #11
Posts: n/a
Stay safe

Well, today was the day many of us were looking forward to, monsters at the ready,luggage packed, meeting points arranged and a weekend of bikes and banter on the horizon.

Who could have foreseen how this pandemic has gripped the Country and indeed the World? The shoots of recovery are at least being planned it seems with Bolognia planning limited restart of production at the end of this month , I suspect there will be a new " normal " for quite some time.

With lockdown measures in place,public venues closed and gatherings limited to 2 persons arranging anything is impossible ,so we have just got to suck it up and above all stay safe and well until this is over.
If it's any consolation the weather up here has taken a turn for the worse, it's pants at the moment......maybe things happen for a reason,although this one is a bit extreme !

Stay safe everyone, hope to meet up soon.....ish.
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