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Old 12-04-2020, 06:44 PM   #10
Mr Gazza
Lord of the Rings
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Norwich
Bike: M900sie
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Thanks to everyone who has tried my adapter kits, So far no complaints and good reports from the various lamp units tried out.
To be honest I've lost count of how many have gone out, but there are nearly 30 out there.
I have just sold the last Black one and now have to look at spraying some of my bare stock. There will be a short delay in replenishing stock while I find the time to do this. In the mean time there are plenty of Gold and bare ones. There will be a slight price hike to cover the paint and postal increase which I have been absorbing since it went up. The kits will still be under £20, so still something like 90% less than the commercial option.

When I first started this, I hung a prototype in an Apple tree just outside my workshop door. It has been out there bare and untouched for 38 months in everything nature has thrown at it. I did this to test the durability of Tricoya Extreme, which is a form of MDF.. Try this with ordinary MDF!
I pulled it down today and checked it for flat, round and the dimensions written on it when I hung it out ( 5/2/17). It is still exactly the same size and shape, although now somewhat green in places. A few seconds with a bit of sandpaper brought it up like brand new under the Verdigris. So I don't think you need to worry about these rings falling apart in your bike, in fact I would wager that they will outlast the chromed steel rims?

Don't worry this one won't be for sale. It's back hanging in the tree..

Last edited by Mr Gazza; 12-04-2020 at 06:48 PM..
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