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Old 02-03-2020, 08:28 PM   #43
No turn left unstoned
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Ah, the sweet smell of success.

Its all done now and ready for fitting.

In the end I bought a piece of 0.5mm thick 304 stainless for a fiver and made my own rivet band.
It wasn't as much of a problem as I thought it would be, but that's probably because I proceeded with extreme caution.
It turned out that the best tool for drilling the holes was a no2 centre drill, which is 0.187" dia. and could then easily be opened out the extra couple of thou to make them 4.8mm.
For the slots, I used the same centre drill and cut a line of holes roughly 5mm apart and then joined them up with a file.
Finally, I cut the strip at 15mm wide using an ancient pair of tin snips. This made the band curl up like a clock spring but I was able to ease it back straight again without too much bother.

The rivets arrived and were perfect for the job.
I'm glad I went for ally shanked rivets as I reckon stainless steel shanked ones would have required too much oomph to snap and risked crushing the carbon sleeve.

The postie delivered the acousta-fil just before teatime today, so I set about building up the can.
Its all done and ready to fit now.

I suppose its a bit late to fire her up this evening ... and anyway, I haven't had my tea yet.
I might make one last post tomorrow to let you know how it sounds.
It certainly looks the business now.

Thanks for your assistance, all.
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