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Old 22-02-2020, 10:47 AM   #10
No turn left unstoned
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Darren ... yes I had spotted Daniele Moto but they are the German company that wants over 30 euros just for postage.
I might even have considered paying that but there is also the uncertainty that the bands are exactly the same as mine, until I have them in my hand.
If they differ, that's 40 euros wasted.

Mick and 350 ... yes, I had pondered contacting pipewerx or others to see if they had anything suitable.
I will probably do so but I wouldn't be all that hopeful that their own std bands would match the Sil, with its unequally spaced holes.
Worth a try though.
Maybe they have plain bands with no holes or slots, for use on odd cans ... but again, I wouldn't be holding my breath. And anyway, drilling new holes in such narrow, thin stainless wouldn't be particularly easy.

Gazza ... are they the bands off my old 750 cans ? ... edit .. ah, apparently not.
Its useful to know the 58mm spacing of the holes but sadly, that's still too close to avoid a clash with the existing rivet holes.
Or is it ? ... in a eureka moment it has occurred to me that I don't need to match any of the existing hole positions .. I could shift the band around by 30mm or so and then the new holes would be well away from the old ones.
Of course, it wouldn't look perfect in terms of symmetry but it would be sound mechanically.
I'll ponder that a bit more.

Darkness .. the central perforated tube is tapered, so cutting anything off either end changes its terminal diameter and then the endcaps wouldn't fit.
In fact one end has already been shortened by about that much and I have had to thin down the inner tube a little to restore the fit with the endcap. I'm not sure that there is any scope for further thinning without overly weakening the tube.

Thanks for your input, everyone.
Its all helpful, even if it doesn't actually provide an ideal solution to the problem, cos it can sometimes generate a new train of thought.
I'm still thinking that having a go at making my own strap might be the best course of action.
Well, either that or accepting that I need to pay the excessive postage cost to Daniele Moto and just suck it up.
Or even writing a pleading message to them in english asking for specially reduced postage rates and putting it through google translate perhaps .. hoping that subtle nuances don't get lost in translation.

Last edited by utopia; 22-02-2020 at 10:49 AM..
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