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Old 03-02-2020, 11:48 AM   #6
Mr Gazza
Lord of the Rings
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This sounds a bit odd.
All the Ducati slaves are the same fitment from Oberon, so it begs the question, did they supply a non Ducati one by mistake? or perhaps one for a much later, new generation model which could possibly be different?
I must say that when you briefly showed me the still packaged slave the other weekend, it didn't look familiar... A bit more bulky looking than mine.. It was just a glance though and I know you've used Oberon slaves before.

The fact that you didn't find a pinned rod suggests that maybe the rod is not standard? A length check will soon verify that, but I would recommend fitting a new pinned rod of the correct length over shortening the old one.

The only other thing I can think of that might cause a problem, is inside the top hat on the bearing end of the rod. If there is something in that that shouldn't be, it would push the rod out further. Probably isn't the problem but worth a check as they do get gungy in there, there's also the chance of a previous owner doing something strange in there for whatever reason.
The top hat contains an O-ring that folks often miss, it could be crumpled in the bottom of the top hat.... Possibly?
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