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Old 08-01-2020, 01:35 PM   #4
No turn left unstoned
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Mr Gazza ....Thanks for your thoughts, mate.
Your first strategy is pretty much what I've been pondering up to now.
Trouble is that the Pani indicators don't fit by bolting on but instead have a split housing in the tailpiece which clamps over a groove in their rubber stalk. This gives them a bit of flexibility in the event of them getting a knock on, for instance, the shed door frame etc.
I would like to retain this feature if I can, although an alternative would be to cut down the rubber stalk and then just bolt the indicators on solidly. This is what Buzzbomb has done on his modified numberplate holder .. and indeed, my method for mounting them at the front is similar to that but retains half of the rubber stalk, so they're semi-flexible. Its the rear ones that are most likely to get knocked though, so I'm ok with a bit more rigidity at the front.
On your second strategy .. it sounds a bit too messy to me but its not something I had thought of before so I'll file the idea away and maybe something can be developed from it.

Further to the std Pani mounting method, the thing that I learnt from buying the 821 tail-tidy is that instead of using the std fitting method of a two part, clamped up assembly around the rubber stalk, it is possible to force the fat end of the stalk through a suitably shaped and sized hole in the thin metal of the tail-tidy.
I may be able to adopt this method in a teatray whose mounting stubs I modify .. although its probably easier to use a plain-sided teatray and mount the indicators below on a tail-tidy kind of bracket. I could also do away with the std monster numberplate holder into the bargain, so it should look quite neat.

Thanks for taking the time to decipher my ramblings.
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