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Old 20-08-2019, 10:38 PM   #22
Mr Gazza
Lord of the Rings
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Norwich
Bike: M900sie
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Just received an email from the Fenman ominously entitled "Final instructions"

Anyway the goalposts seem to have been moved from information I have had from them previously... Please note the new set-up times.

"This is a generic email sent to all Club Stands and Charity Stands

For this years show we have 3 areas for parking.

You are entered as a CLUB, when arriving at the booking in area on the village playing field please inform the gate staff you are a CLUB. This will speed up the parking process.

Paperwork - if you haven’t completed the booking forms yet, please either send back via email or bring on the day.

If you haven’t completed the forms when you arrive these will need to be completed before setup can commence. (If you have lost the forms they are attached again)

The address is for the show is

Village Playing field

Church road


Kings Lynn


PE34 3QB (closest postcode)

When you are approaching from A10 you will see the Fenman bike show signs.

If you follow them into the village you will find the playing field.

Arrivals for setup of Stand

You may arrive on Sunday afternoon from 2pm to 8pm to set up and you are welcome to stay on the field over night but please be advised we only have portaloos and access to drinking water. We have no power on site for general use.

If you arriving on Monday morning we are open from 6am to 8:30am - remember the show opens to the public at 9am.


If you have riders coming to the stand they are welcome to arrive after the show starts but please let them know to ride slow on the show ground as the public are on the field.

As it’s for charity please remind bikers that it’s £5 to get in for each rider / passenger, which gets you access to all of the show.

We hope you have a great day"

Last edited by Mr Gazza; 20-08-2019 at 10:41 PM..
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