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Old 09-07-2019, 12:35 AM   #6
No turn left unstoned
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I've just checked back in my notes and my diode is 3A too.
Still don't know what the diode in the electraeon unit is.

Further note .. my fix of the neutral switch by soaking it in oil lasted for a good while but it began to fail again after about 500 miles.
I have now bitten the bullet and shelled out fifty quid on a new switch ... ouch.
Except .. I was able to use a voucher that I won in the raffle at the weekender, so it actually cost me nowt.
Which is good at the moment cos I'm skint (again) after going to the TT this year.

I will try to post a proper "how to" with photos at some stage but for now, its pretty easy to describe in words ..for anybody who fancies doing the mod.
Patch into the wire from the neutral switch, just before its superseal connector and run another short wire from there to the terminal on the sidestand relay that comes from the sidestand switch.
Somewhere along that wire, insert the diode, with its band towards the neutral switch.
That's it really, though I included a bullet connector in the wire, partly for ease of future maintenance and partly so that I could easily disconnect it if it didn't work or developed a fault during testing.
Glue-lined shrinkwrap seals everything up nicely.
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