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Old 04-04-2019, 06:27 PM   #5
Posts: n/a
Helllllllooooooo weekenders

So I have had a good chat with Sarah at the White waters, she is quite content that she has rooms reserved against credit card numbers , no deposit to be taken. Apologies to those who have paid , this unfortunately is down to different staff on the desk at the time of booking, hopefully no harm done.

Now the first bit of fun"...........we have a function room allocated to us for the entire weekend......the function room has a sound system..........sooooooo, how about each and every one of us choosing a favourite song / soundtrack , we get the Weekender playlist and it can be the background music for us during the stay, hopefully this will go down well folks......could be a tune that means something, favourite, special memory .....will be a talking point, let's get the party started...... I will get the playlist done on my spotify account thingy and away we go

Who is first ?....
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