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Old 21-02-2019, 09:03 PM   #12
No turn left unstoned
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Originally Posted by Darren69 View Post
IMO The real issue is that due to the engine layout the 2 cylinders run at different temperatures with the rear one always that bit hotter than the front one because its not in the airflow as much.
I fitted some carbon airscoops (purchased via this very forum) in an attempt to grab more air for the rear cylinder, but their function is hampered, on two counts.
Firstly, I reckon they need an internal moulding to direct the flow more effectively than they currently do ... that job's been on the backburner for years.
Secondly, you look down one scoop and what do you see ? .... the tuna-can vacuum fuel pump, flat on to the flow.
So ... the eventual plan is to fit an injection style tank with internal pump.
I have said tank (in carbon fibre, no less) complete with pump, awaiting installation.
I also have a set of FCRs to go on as part of the same deal.
But I don't want to fit those until the new single-can exhaust is restored and fitted, so I can get the whole caboodle dyno'd.
Only after that lot am I likely to rework the airscoops.
Of course that will be a bit "after the horse has bolted" because the engine will be 30,000 miles old by then and I'm guessing that the extra bore wear will have already been done.
But its about engineering principle, aint it ?

I've not looked closely but it looks like the rear cylinder has no damper bungs ... but it has bigger, lateral fins (with, presumably, a lower resonant frequency) while the front cylinder's longitudinal fins are super short.

My hope is that Ducati only fitted them as a sop to noise limit regulations, and that this was a trade off which enabled them to get away with louder exhausts.
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