Thread: Desert Sled?
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Old 28-12-2018, 07:45 PM   #7
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Brighton
Bike: M750
Posts: 146
So popped into my local Ducati dealer to enquire about a desert sled, sales guy was helpful enough. Then came the question of do you have a demo bike? Yes but it has new tyres, it's got a bigger excess etc etc. Basically he wasn't really willing to let me ride it while the roads weren't 100%, I can kind of understand but not overly helpful.
The sales guy was selling it up and making it out to be this that and the other, then comes the turning point. Oh by the way if you take this bike off road you void your warranty, it's not an off road bike!! I politely pointed out that the sled has a different, reinforced frame and additionally the swing arm pivot is now on the frame rather than the engine. It's all in Ducati's advertising info that he'd kindly given me on the desk infront of us.
At this point I thanked him for his time and walked off out of the shop.
I fully understand that not every sales person knows about every bike, but to make such a black and white statement as he did really shows a lack of product knowledge.
Oh and your not allowed to service your own bike!?
Thinking I might contact Moto Rapido as at least they know what they are talking about.
Has anyone else every experienced dealer info like this?
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