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Old 11-12-2018, 04:37 PM   #14
Mr Gazza
Lord of the Rings
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Thanks Alan same to you...

Right.. I have a plan and it's called Dexit. Basically this is the abolition of December.

So November will be given an extra day to make 31 days and keep the Solstice on the 21st. Then it's straight into January and the new year.
10 days each will be added to June, July and August to make up for the loss of a month.

Anyone who's birthday falls in December will no longer grow old and could live forever, or could opt to choose a new birthday on a day of their choice.

The two, now redundant, bank holidays in December, will be moved to June 21st and November 21st... The Summer and Winter Solstices.

When the Gazzorian calendar commences, it will be a good opportunity to abolish any other religious bank holidays that have long since lost their meaning and significance, such as Easter. Instead of floating about randomly according to some ecclesiastical mumbo jumbo, the two days holiday will be moved to March 20th and August 34th. The Equinoxes.
The August bank holiday would be at the beginning of the month rather than the end, to celebrate the end of the now mechanised harvest.
School holidays could be evened out to the same degree, as the long Summer holidays were part of school children being required to help with the harvest. This no longer happens and would be regarded as child exploitation now, so generally shorter terms could be had, with longer holidays between.
Also no more buggering around with the clocks...Backwards and forwards... Just one time all the time.

Obviously needs a bit of polish, but I think it's pretty much sorted.. To be implemented in 2020... Vote for Gazza...
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