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Old 19-10-2018, 06:35 PM   #39
No turn left unstoned
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Originally Posted by Luddite View Post
Will I be able to detect the difference? Probably not. So, why buy it? Well, it was a bit of a Mount Everest purchase - "Because it's there!". Anyway, how many of us can justify all the goodies we've bought for our Monsters??
The thing that I find most valuable about such mods is that it enables you to experiment with different settings which, in turn (and this is the important bit) leads to a fuller understanding of the "on the road" effects of the new adjustments available.
Thus you will be able to sit and ponder the effects of say, a little less comp damping, and then try that out on the road and see how it feels.
The end result will be a deeper understanding of the way your machine works, which can only be a good thing. Irrespective of whether the adjustments that you make have the desired effect, or even any noticeable effect at all, the learning process will still be valuable.
In recent years I have played around with the front and rear ride heights and also with front/rear weight distribution (via lower bars, rearsets, seat height etc). The bike handles a lot better now but the thing that I find most valuable is that I now have a much deeper understanding of how these factors affect the overall ride.
Similarly, when I fitted the lightweight wheels. Ok, I already knew what to expect, but the actual experiencing of it was still something of a revelation in terms of just how big an effect the reduced gyro forces actually made on the road.
As a result of this experimentation, I now feel that I know my machine a lot better and therefore it must follow that the way in which we blend together as one homogeneous unit as we fly down the road is enhanced.
Know your machine ... as my centre-lathe tutor once said.
Happy twiddling.
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