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Old 26-05-2018, 04:44 PM   #8
Posts: n/a
Wow.. quite a welcome.. even from somebody the other side of the river!

I'm feeling a little better now I've encountered a lot more information on the s4. Paying for what is essentially some bike bits is always a bit worrying but after a few days of working things out I'm feeling a little better.

There are some truly beautiful bikes on this group. I've spent quite a while having a look around. It looks like a monster has to be done properly.. no half jobs allowed by the looks of it!

I've discovered that most of the bits I need are available off other Ducati bikes making the part sourcing a little easier. Not cheaper but certainly easier. As my wife points out - if I wanted cheap bits I should have got a 125. I guess she's right!

Thanks again all. Really appreciate the welcome and words of encouragement.
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