Thread: Pet hates
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Old 02-11-2017, 01:39 PM   #1
Too much time on my hands member
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Pet hates

Aside from forums where you cannot find things I have a few

Not in order of importance - just as I think of them or they encroach on my consciousness

1. Power tool cases that have no place to store the lead/plug so it takes you nearly as much time to close the lid with all the wiring inside as it does to do the job you got it out for in the first place.

2. Packaging that ruins the product -e.g. blister packs that are impossible to open without a lot of force that ensures that when the material finally gives way the contents are thrown everywhere - I know I could use scissors but they are not usually handy when I want to open the packaging

3. pop up adverts on the internet that always come into view where you want to look on the screen

What are yours??/
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