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Old 19-09-2017, 07:58 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Mr Gazza View Post
We used to call this a Bellmouth, but I believe they go as trumpets or stacks these days? (Shortened from Velocity stacks I assume?)

The bellmouths used to just be bare naked out in the breeze in the olde days,
Like this Mr G? (Less bath plug of course)

Nasher, they way I understand it is that pod filters are not so good with CV carbs because they won't allow them to remain constant due to them no longer being in still air- I know there are plenty that claim the carbs still work- which they may do (just maybe not as well as they might with an air box).

However if you had a set of FCR's then the story would be very different and the benefits much more apparent- remember when all four cylinder bikes ran proper slide carbs?
The story goes that CV carbs were only invented to stop the 'less delicate' rider from flooding it when starting or preventing the bike from bogging down when given a fistful of throttle at too low engine revs.
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