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Old 23-01-2017, 09:21 PM   #45
No turn left unstoned
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Join Date: Jun 2010
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Bike: M750
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I seem to remember that Delrin is sometimes used to machine gears from ... even.
So there may be an option to use it.
I imagine (confirmed from my own limited experience of machining plastics) that the main problem is cutting it cleanly enough to avoid generating enough heat to melt it .. but I'm guessing really .. it could be that machinability is precisely the property that has been "engineered" into the material.
Also, if I really plumb the depths of my memory, I think there might have been a company on a nearby industrial estate that specialised in machining Delrin gears ... but that was a good few years ago.
Maybe .. just maybe .. there might be a slim chance of cutting these on my lathe.
Its a long shot to swing that diameter and still have room to both clamp it and machine it.
And making lots from sheet material would entail making a lot of waste.
Maybe tubular stock would be an option.
But then ally looms quite large as a preferred material.

... and so the thought process has gone.
No doubt much more will follow after the postie has delivered my trial sample.
I'm on the case anyway.

But then again .. if it aint broke ....
Maybe Gazza's mk1 prototype will do the job .. perhaps with some non-plywood other bits to spruce it up.
And there is something particularly nice about having such a custom crafted, individual piece on the bike that I will probably find it difficult to part with in the event of an eventual mk2 replacement.
And the "mdf" is a chuckling point.

Well done, and ta very much, mate.
I love it already.
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