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Old 24-09-2016, 03:41 PM   #20
Posts: n/a
I had a bit of spare time today so decided to clean up the carbon sidecovers.

I took them off, and flatted back the lacquer using 800 grit wet 'n' dry, there was a few pints dents (from jeans or leathers I'd imagine) so I went over the panel with a grey scotchbrite and decided to try and fill them with clearcoat.

I mixed up some clearcoat and applied a grip coat, followed by three wet coats. Normally I would only apply two coats, but I was trying to fill the dents so applied a final coat, giving me something nice to flat back and Polish to.

I'll give it a day or so to cure, then will flat back with 1500 paper, followed by by 3000 and 6000 3m trizact discs and Polish up. This is a nice and easy way to spruce up cheaper carbon bits to give the appearance of high quality.
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