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Old 31-01-2016, 09:49 PM   #9
maxxjod's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Brighton
Bike: M750
Posts: 146
Hi all,

When took on the roll as Sussex rep I had all the right intentions but then somehow life got in the way. Due to various reasons things changed, for the better, in my life and being the Sussex area rep kind of took a back seat.
Yes I did sell my M750 with the intention of buying a freinds S4 but at the last moment he decided not to sell, so with my love of Italian twins I've ended up on a 750 dorsoduro which I fully understand puts me in the naughty corner, but does allow me to walk the day after a long ride! Various bits of disc and spine missing!!
I am happy to carry on being the Sussex rep and working with other members to arrange meets or if someone would like to take on the role I would be happy to stand aside.
I would love to see the Sussex area meets grow and as a result I would love to meet other like minded people.
I have had some great times on the tunnel runs and look forward to more great times.

I don't take offence to people getting things wrong about me from my name, indeed I find it quite funny when someone is expecting a female to arrive and a 6ft4 16 stone male arrives.

Looking forward to meeting new faces this year, jody
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