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Old 03-07-2015, 08:59 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by Mr Gazza View Post

Oh, and why are you mucking about with farty Ford Goldish paint??...I gave you the match....
Your right but I couldn't find any off the shelf BMW solid gold. I will do as I got them up against the correct ones of the front end now its all apart. So I may have to get some made up.

Its all going to plan and started bagging stuff after cleaning and cleaned all the joints on the oil lines and hydraulic lines to be plated for spare ( you never know if you will one day want them ) and the elbows are looking decent again.

Fuel pump was looking pretty filthy on the aluminium side but the plated side is ok and although I thought about getting it redone that means another gasket to buy. Its all good now and removed the spring sheaths on carb hoses as well for plating again.
Forks removed and axle cleaned up and very few marks and chrome is good so tomorrow the bottom legs can be cleaned up and refreshed too. Its a shame the anodising is so pale almost not there but maybe one day they will get redone but will investigate in the meantime just in case.

The wheels now disc and sprocket free are going to be refinished and I do think they may have be sprayed as there is some feint silver spray on one tyre edge and there is some edges near the centre where paint has come off. I will again do a test rub down to see whether these wheels are painted silver and what colour was underneath.

I have discovered that although its barely a 1994 bike that was probably made in 1993, the frame was replaced around 1995 as to the frame number period but the wheels have elephant too and something else that may pin point a reason to frame change and not under warranty is when I removed and started cleaning the top yoke underneath was a cast in date of 95.
This says to me maybe a accident and smacked the frame and top yoke and one odd exhaust. Back then the Monster 900 was expensive to buy so as why write it off.

This is all just my thoughts and making things more understandable.
I also noticed the ignition mount plate looked wonky on where the latch goes a tad so that's now tweaked.

I think my worst thing to get back nice is the carbs but I am going to remove the brackets to get plated for sure and the rest just clean by hand and do as little as possible. I may need to source some fresh hose that's about 15mm diameter and probably the new fuel line to pump etc. It looks ok but better now than later.

I was going to remove the brake caliper bolts that hold them together but 3 attempts led me to back off and leave well alone. Not the best result but better than having to strip and rebuild and cut them or drill them out so will tidy up and carefully paint.
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