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Old 21-06-2015, 08:25 PM   #17
Mr Gazza
Lord of the Rings
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Now you're talking.
Coltishal in Norfolk was the first base to get Lightnings in 1958 (the year I was born)

I lived with them well into my teens...We moved to within about 8 miles of Coltishal when I was 7.
The sound of them climbing vertically off the end of the runway with both afterburners lit was something you felt as well as heard...They climbed to 55000 ft in a minute.

Sonic booms were common place in those days, and would sometimes crack windows.
They told us Colt was a training base, but it was in fact a full on Cold War frontline base. My school pal's Dad was a lightning pilot (Massive Testicles!!!) and he would some times give me a lift into school with my pal if it was raining. he would often come out with " I've been to Scotland and back before breakfast this morning"....And it was true. What he couldn't tell us was that he had been escorting Russian A-bombers out of territorial airspace.

Oh, and they were polished Aluminium, not painted with "High Speed Silver" like the earlier Jets.

There will never be anything like a Lightning ever again....

Thanks for the memory bubble Dirty..
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