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Old 05-04-2015, 09:59 AM   #5
Andy B
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Originally Posted by Yorkie View Post
It took me from 16 years of fettling to get my Monster to this stage:

Yours would look great with a white frame.

16 years?? wowzers! I dont think i'd be allowed out the dog house if i took that long to finish her bike...

Hopefully it wont take me too long to do it... few months over winter - (since its her bike i dont think there'll be too much issue with me spending a few evenings a night on it whilst she keeps warm on the sofa ) - at least it should be a quick strip, clean, paint/powder coat and reassemble job (fingers crossed...)

her last bandit took me 7 months of so of constant swearing (such a horribly unreliable bike... but it looked good...and in the end owed me 800 quid... couldnt get it up for sale quick enough once it was MOT'd... never got it quite right..)

that started out as:

but finished as:

If i can get the monster to the same level of work looks wise i'll be happy..

colour scheme-wise - powder coat the frame red, wheels white and bodywork grey... thats the plan so far.. not a fan of red vehicles too much (yet somehow Ive got a red car and so does annabel hah)

Originally Posted by Moco1961 View Post
Hi Andy,

That's a nice job ! I would'nt mind getting an older monster to fettle myself, it's on the bucket list but there is the small matter of a gs1000 to finish first !

You are not too far from me , I am Gayton/Parkgate so next time you are over for an ice cream give me a shout and we can talk monsters !!........ I have recently swapped the 696 for an 821 ,still to be run in but weather today is pants so it's a Peroni day !
Know how you feel - plenty of bikes on my bucket list for fettling with... slowly getting through them one at a time well - two at a time at the moment...

you are quite local yeah - i work as a mechanic in the garage by the boathouse pub, so know the ice creams well if you're ever out for a spin let me know (although i'm stuck following annabel riding the monster on my little 125 commuter whilst the Guzzi's still in bits )
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