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Old 24-03-2015, 08:13 PM   #12
Posts: n/a
Yes they do look a bit that way , but the safe limit for a 10 mm bolt is a 10 mm insertion length, which is where they are, and with the front forks sticking through the top yoke by 20mm I get just the right feel of the steering that I am looking for with this set up. I have always been amazed at how much difference can be obtained by such small adjustments.
Re. your old tank, all the filler is in place now and has been kept indoors in the warmth, I will give it a few more weeks before I go near it with the spray gun to make sure that any shrinkage that could occur will do so before I paint it. I put a camera into it to check on its internal condition before I started work on it and was very surprised to find that there is no sign whatsoever of any corrosion or even staining in it. So it will be on the road again one of these days, just a case of choosing the colour, I have changed my mind a dozen times so far, I really like the white, but I did that on the last one so It could get a nice coat or two of the silver titanium as featured on one of todays posts. Thanks for taking an interest Utopia, ride safe.
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