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Old 21-10-2014, 02:16 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Hi from the Borders...

Hi - quick intro. I've been riding a while, had Ducati's for most of that time, but only bitten by the Monster bug recently.

Wife was away, wanted to play, possibility of rain, and my bike was spotless... I know, I'll nip down Tesco's on the 'other' bike - my wife's M900...

Oh my fing gawd, where have I been, I've missed out for years! It was just awesome. The hardest bit was explaining, why over the course of a weekend, did I just have to have a Monster...

Anyway, she was not for giving hers up too quickly (and who'd blame her) so swift re-shuffle later, one bike sold, begged, borrowed and here we are - I have a Monster

I am a bit old school, so went for the S4 and I'm looking for bit of advice, bit of knowledge, bit of banter and lots of Monster talk.
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