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Old 07-08-2014, 09:03 PM   #64
Mr Gazza
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The clear lacquer goes on wet on wet in the same session as the all the other coats.
That is to say, enough time for your arm to nearly fall off with shaking the can inbetween coats...Something like 10 minutes.

I used the clear over my Gold cases, and I feel that this is what gives it it's hard shell.
It certainly changes the colour a little bit...Probably tone would be a better word than colour.

I think you are going for silver?
I have had some interesting results spray varnishing over a "Silver Wheels" type Silver.
The silver on it's own is a sort of harsh BZP type finish, but if I go over it with clear Humbrol aerosol varnish it changes the effect to something closer to that found on say, original silver footrest hangars.
As I spray the clear on before the silver has fully dried, it has a melting effect (wet on wet).
I really like the effect, which I use on the odd bracket here and there...Looks just right on the old smiths speedo drive gearboxes.!
Clear over the fully cured paint has a different effect. I can't really describe it, but not so nice an effect in my opinion.

If I were you I would buy the clear VHT and try wet on wet and clear over cured, on a test piece....I suspect clear wet on wet is going to look very close to original and be harder..
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