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Old 09-05-2014, 12:36 AM   #11
No turn left unstoned
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Originally Posted by spacemonkey View Post
I reckon the weak acid would do it, IF I could get it in where the corrosion is. And that means braking the bolts to drop the engine and hoping that I can definitely get the remaining bolt bits out.
Unless you were prepared to try the earlier, slightly less scary suggestion of drilling the small lateral holes through the crankcase into the engine bolt holes to get the acid in.
I can't see it causing any weakness if the holes were small.
You could even give up at that point, but keep applying the vinegar over the subsequent life of the bike until eventually it did the trick....perhaps.
In which case drilling down vertically might be the best option.

Point taken about the impact gun.....I may have omitted to check your earlier posts.
But then I got to wondering.....does the gun impact with a twisting motion or is there some axial impact as well.
If its just torque impact then maybe the hammer drill offers something a tad different as the impact is axial ?
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