Thread: What to do....
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Old 26-10-2013, 09:48 PM   #5
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I originally wanted a 900 carby but was forced to go the 600 route. I figured I'd change up once the restriction was lifted but I love my bike now and really don't want to get rid. I say I love it but there are lots of things that you get on other bikes that I'd like on mine. Dry clutch like you, single sided swing arm, extra oomph. In fact my planned 'improvements' are so extensive that if I do them the only bit of my 600 left will be 'most' of the frame. But it will still be my 600 (03) I'm well aware it would make far more financial sense to get a model fitted with the bits I want but where is the fun in that?

So that is probably no help at all! I'd say go for it, dry clutch the 600. We invest a lot of emotion in our bikes and yours is already unique and personal. Doing the clutch will just make it more special and rare.
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