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Old 11-07-2013, 12:19 AM   #15
No turn left unstoned
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Originally Posted by Mr Gazza View Post

Re lopsided brains Utopia. I think it is fairly certain that brains are lopsided, hence handedness.
I started to wonder if road camber had anything to do with the preferance of right over lefthand bends, but that would leave most righthanders with adverse camber, so that theory bit the dust.
I think it is to do with the fact that most righthanders have a larger field of view round them and give more confidence than a relativly blind left..?

Yes that point I had probably begun to leave fact and logic behind, and drifted towards comedy.
Also, left and right brain re. practical/emotional split, not that I'm very expert on brains.

I did ask the question on this forum a while back, expecting to get right handed people saying that they, like me, preferred right hand bends, but many of them actually said that they preferred left handers, so that one bit the dust rather ...although the data sample was small.
I think the larger field of view around right handers giving more confidence is valid, and others did express this view too, at which point I think there may have been some discussion about how things might be in countries where they drive on the right, but I don't remember any sort of conclusion on that.
With me though, it feels like there is this entirely bodily thing which makes me a bit cack-handed on lefts ....a bit like the feeling of incompetence when I try to write with my left hand.
Even on trackdays (well one anyway) where you use the whole road and sightlines are clear, I still don't feel any easier on lefts.
I guess, as with just about everything, the answer has many facets, each of which will have greater or lesser relevance to each person ...but that's what makes it interesting.
One of my more tangential notions was that, when leaning off to the left, your throttle hand (which is the only one you're using mid corner) is a stretch over the tank away, and at an arkward angle to your wrist, while on right handers its right in front of your face.
In fact, go on, try an experiment that I've just this minute hatched by accident. Twist your wrist in a gesture of mock full bore acceleration, while grinning manically.
....Now, is your head cocked slightly to the right ? Mine was. I'm curious to know what the left handers did though.
Anyway, I ramble on (and, coincidentally have recently found myself strumming the opening chords to Led Zep's song of that title).

What were we talking about before ........?
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