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Old 27-04-2013, 10:07 PM   #12
Posts: n/a
Ok, fair enough but we don't know what size the glass particles are? You may know the size of media used but when it hits the component it can break up despite the claims that it doesn't.

I know all the vapour blasters talk about the cushioning effect of the water and say the glass bead doesn't break up but there are a lot of variables - the ratio of water to blast media, the velocity of the jet, the angle that the blast media hits the component and how close the nozzle is to the component. The glass particle has to hit the component or it won't do anything?

I've looked at usb microscopes and they aren't expensive so I'm thinking of getting one and looking at components I've blasted with my dry cabinet to see what they look like compared to yours.

Thanks for doing the microscope thing - we can always learn something new!
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