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Old 21-03-2004, 09:37 AM   #24
A Yerbury
Posts: n/a
I think that common sense and common courtesy are the order of the day here. We all have split opinions on what is, and what is not acceptable, loud music whizzing along -fine. loud music bumper to bumper-rude. Cans being gunned outside bike friendly establishment fine- outside ones house not so...
In fact most people like engine noises depending on the occasion.. scenario 1: twin engine boomy tickover and idle then off into the sunset-nice
2:young chav revving for what seems like days-not so!
case in point, where I used to live the duke and remus ridden sensibly only ever got "sounds lovely" " we saw some kids sniffing around your bike" or " I used to have a Moto morini once" frome male female young and old -smile and wave- . Neville -I kid u not- had a cb250 and liked playing with the idle speed....for hours...We eventually beheaded him. The other factor is govt busy body quangos wasting time and money telling people what is good for them when what most people are terrified of is the crack house round the corner or the fact that they will starve/freeze in old age as their pensions are worth sod all............or the fact that we are at war in Iraq etc etc etc....blunkett and straw, the final curtain beckons.
ps.It is ****e gettung old tho! my hair started to recede at 21! -good thing I have a nice metabolism s not as fast as it used to be and my younger siblings find my old skool hip hop moves, frankly, rather amusing.
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